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Good examples of Circular economy in the Nordics

The Nordic Council of Ministers’ action plan for Vision 2030 has been approved by the Ministers for Nordic Co-operation and runs from 2021 to 2024. The vision’s
three strategic priorities: (i) a green Nordic Region, (ii) a competitive Nordic Region and (iii) a socially sustainable Nordic Region. There are 12 objectives linked to the strategic priorities and the Action Plan is divided into 12 sections, each one linked to one of the 12 objectives.

The new strategy document and Action Plan stresses that Nordic co-operation on disability contributes to the inclusion of people with disabilities by way of the enhanced sharing of knowledge throughout the region and close co-operation with regard to disability policy issues.

Nordic co-operation on disability is conducted primarily through a special Nordic programme for co-operation on disability issues, the Council for Nordic Co-operation on Disability, the support scheme for co-operation between Nordic disability organisations, and Nordic deafblind activities.

Areas in the action plan that are especially important and which Nordic co- operation on disability contributes to are:

  •  the development of the labour market (Goal 7),
  •  digitalisation and education (Goal 8),
  •  health and welfare (Goal 9),
  •  the Green Transition & Circular Economy (Goal 10),
  •  and inclusion (Goal 12).

The basic idea of Circular Economy is to move away from the so-called linear mindset, where value creation is based on the ‘take-make-use-dispose’ dogma.

Circular Economy is a concept, based on the principle of decoupling value creation from resource consumption and achieving maximum value by increasing resource productivity, enhancing energy efficiency, lowering resource consumption and decreasing waste. To do this, we should continue to extract value from resources for as long as possible, by extending their productive lifetimes.


Between 2017 and 2021 in the five Nordic countries Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland and Sweden key leading institutions from research, innovation and industry network funded by NordForsk, Nordic Energy Research and Nordic Innovation ran as part of the Nordic Green Growth Research and Innovation Programme the CIRCit research project – https://circitnord.com/


The 5 key partners of the project were:

  • DTU – The Danish Technical University
  • Technology Industries of Finland
  • Innovation Centre Iceland
  • NTNU – Norwegian Science and Technology University of Trondheim
  • RISE – Researcch Institutes of Sweden The partners were joined by and around 150 collaborators consisting of leading public- private actors, reseach institutes functioning as co-creators and validation partners and 100+ as Nordic Circular Economy case partners. The CIRCit’s objective was to support the Nordic industry to discover and implement the opportunities of Circular Economy, through the development, testing and imple- mentation of science-based tools and using a number of action research methods in six (6) focus areas:


1)  CircularEconomySustainabilityScreening
2)  CirculaEconomyBusinessModelling
3)  CircularProductDesignandDevelopment
4)  SMARTCircularEconomy
5)  ClosingtheLooopforCircularEconomy–Beststrategies
6)  CircularEconomycollaboratingandNetworkingaimedatinnovationthrough stakeholder collaboration.


The CIRCit ́s TOOLKIT includes good examples from all five Nordic countries:

(i)  Cases & good examples:    https://circitnord.com/inspiration-cases/ 

(ii)  Scientific publications:    https://circitnord.com/publications/

(iii)  Repository of tools:    https://circitnord.com/tools/ 

(iv)  Workbooks:    https://circitnord.com/workbooks/ 

(v)  Films:    https://circitnord.com/films/ 

(vi)  Popular press:    https://circitnord.com/popular-press/ 

You can also access the results of the project in the form of:

– Scientific publications:    https://circitnord.com/publications/ 

– Popular press:    https://circitnord.com/popular-press/ 

– Workbooks:    https://circitnord.com/workbooks/ 

– Tools:    https://circitnord.com/tools/ 

– Films:    https://circitnord.com/films/ 

The key institutions involved in the project have collected a very wide range of project application in the field of: Solar energy, wind energy, bio-refining, eXicient use of resources from food production, mining, low-carbon approaches to metallurgy, integrated and lean production methods, innovative ways to use biomass resources both for materials and societal changes to enable green growth and competitiveness in Nordic countries to name a few. Upon concrete interest we can provide a brief summary of these project descriptions. Unfortunately, until now, the funders were only able to support a fraction of all these high-quality projects.

Oslo, 2024-04-01


For more information:

Eva Fabry
Director ECWT
e-mail: eva.fabry(at)ecwt.eu
mobile: + 46 72 301 9939

The European Centre for Women and Technology (ECWT)

Secretariat of the ECWT
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